Thursday, January 27, 2011

a sign....

a marked do not have to come up with a mysterious
a marked do not have to come up with a sudden
when the sign came all be amazed
when the sign was to come all will ask
before the undersigned come we must be prepared
before the undersigned came, we must let go
and if you marked it has come we can only pause and wonder

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

be better stay away......

turn our backs on someone that does not mean no care
perhaps by nature, he showed it
most people misconstrued

sometimes seen as arrogant
sometimes considered arrogant
sometimes considered not care

but people like that, unlike most people think
they prefer to stay silent than talkative
they would rather avoid the subject of talk

and they better not act from the get scorn

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

This is not necessarily true....

think differently and go against the flow is not always true ...
speak without understanding the meaning of these words are empty ...
speak without understanding the place is not smart ....
understand and respond to is respect ...
understanding of the works is carefully ...
learn to solve problems means the patient ...

understand all of this means thinking and pervading...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010


differences in each human being that makes us co-exist and share, without any difference we will not respect each other, in this life that has no similarity in the way of thinking but it has similarities in reaching a conclusion, the difference between one and other have a very big role to build a common future for the better.
the meaning of writings will continue to seek the meaning of the text itself and will not stop here